
Man­to­vani Plotin Travel is the pio­neer of the airport/​hotel shut­tle ser­vice in Cyprus and prob­a­bly one of the very first com­pa­nies to pro­vide this ser­vice in any Mediter­ranean resort. We are by far the largest sup­plier of trans­fers in the island of Cyprus and apart from the shut­tle ser­vice we offer pri­vate trans­fers with vehi­cle types that suit every bud­get and party size.


Being the one of the two main part­ners of the largest trans­port com­pany on the island we can pro­vide the best pos­si­ble rates and a total con­trol of the out­stand­ing qual­ity of the vehi­cles used (coaches, mini-​buses and taxis). A 24 hour ser­vice, 7 days a week is also provided.