
Wel­come to the Man­to­vani Plotin Travel, incom­ing groups department.

Let us help you cre­ate a mem­o­rable tailor-​made group tour to Cyprus.

Our island, which is spe­cial to us will be spe­cial to you after your visit, as it has a 10.000 years his­tory to offer to its vis­i­tors.

The his­tory of Cyprus is one of the longest recorded in the world. Com­bined with a wealth of beaches, nat­ural beauty and the famous Cypriot hos­pi­tal­ity is a recipe for a suc­cess­ful and mem­o­rable visit for any group.

We pro­vide all types of local ser­vices includ­ing air­port assis­tance, trans­fers, accom­mo­da­tion, tailor-​made excur­sions, hik­ing tours, mul­ti­lin­gual guides etc.

Whether you are an orga­ni­za­tion, a reli­gious group, a student/​alumni group or a fam­ily tak­ing your chil­dren on a spe­cial trip, we will spend the time get­ting to know you and your needs and offer you the most suit­able pro­gram.

All itin­er­aries are tailor-​made for each group depend­ing on size, period and dura­tion of travel, loca­tion and bud­get.

Over the years we have catered for var­i­ous types of groups, including:

  • Pil­grim­age tours
  • Archae­ol­ogy
  • Cul­tural tours
  • Wine tours
  • Nature Trails
  • Round trips

Pil­grim­age Tours:

At first men­tion, Cyprus may not sound like a reward­ing pil­grim­age des­ti­na­tion. It is likely to sum­mon pic­tures of beaches, over devel­oped Mediter­ranean resorts and pagan asso­ci­a­tions with the god­dess Aphrodite. But there is another Cyprus, the real Cyprus, –the land where Paul’s com­pan­ion Barn­abas was born and worked and where he and Paul trav­elled and made a con­vert of the Roman Gov­er­nor of Pafos. This is the cross­roads of the early Chris­t­ian world and home to an indige­nous Greek Ortho­dox Church that can trace its roots to the ear­li­est days of Chris­tian­ity. Cyprus is rich in ancient and beau­ti­ful byzan­tine churches and monas­ter­ies and incred­i­ble archae­o­log­i­cal sites, offer­ing the pil­grims an amaz­ingly unex­pected expe­ri­ence.

Cul­tural Tours:

The third largest island in the Mediter­ranean, Cyprus, lies at a cross­roads between Europe, Asia and Africa. Dur­ing the island’s tur­bu­lent his­tory, numer­ous civ­i­liza­tions have left a rich cul­tural her­itage. Expe­ri­ence a con­tin­u­a­tion through time as the 21st cen­tury reflects 10,000 years of his­tory. Neolithic set­tle­ments, Ancient Greek Tem­ples, early Chris­t­ian churches, Byzan­tine art; all cher­ished and pre­served in a unique and acces­si­ble way to delight dis­cern­ing vis­i­tors and res­i­dents alike. In the Troo­dos region one can find one of the largest groups of churches and monas­ter­ies of the for­mer Byzan­tine Empire. Ten of these churches and monas­ter­ies are included on the World Her­itage List. They are all richly dec­o­rated with murals from the Byzan­tine and post Byzan­tine period.

Archae­o­log­i­cal Tours:

An island whose rich, dra­matic his­tory can be traced back over nine thou­sand years, so cov­eted over the cen­turies that it has been invaded and claimed by a fas­ci­nat­ing mix­ture of civ­i­liza­tions from near and far, all of which have left their cul­ture and shaped its character.

The ear­li­est con­firmed site of human activ­ity on Cyprus is dated from around 10.000 BC. The remark­ably well-​preserved Neolithic vil­lage of Choirokoitia is known as one of the most impor­tant and best pre­served pre­his­toric sites of the east­ern Mediter­ranean and has since 1998 been listed as a World Her­itage Site by UNESCO. Dur­ing the late Bronze Age the island expe­ri­enced two waves of Greek set­tle­ment. The first wave con­sisted of Myce­naean Greek traders who started vis­it­ing Cyprus around 1400 BC. It is believed that a major wave of Greek set­tle­ment has taken place fol­low­ing the Bronze Age col­lapse of Myce­naean Greece from 1100 to 1050 BC, since the island’s Greek char­ac­ter pri­mar­ily is dat­ing from this period. Cyprus dom­i­nates an impor­tant role in Greek mythol­ogy being the birth­place of Aphrodite and Ado­nis, and home to King Kinyras, Teucer and Pyg­malion. Begin­ning in the 8th cen­tury BC Phoeni­cian colonies were founded on the south coast of Cyprus, near present day Lar­naca and Salamis. Our island is con­sid­ered an archaeologist’s par­adise.

Wine Tours:

Cyprus his­tory in wine­mak­ing dates back to at least 5000 years. Recent exca­va­tions in the Sotira vil­lage, sit­u­ated in the South­west­ern slopes of the Troo­dos Moun­tains have sur­faced remains of the old­est grape seeds in the world. Using sci­en­tific meth­ods, his­to­ri­ans proved that these grape seeds date back as far as the 5th mil­len­nium BC, prov­ing that vines existed on the island for the last 7000 years. There are two main vine grow­ing areas in Cyprus — the south­ern slopes of the Troo­dos Moun­tains near Limas­sol and the south west of the island in the Pafos region. Fol­low the wine routes of our island and expe­ri­ence some of our sen­sa­tional wines.

Dual Des­ti­na­tion Tours:

Cyprus’ unique loca­tion in the cross­roads of 3 con­ti­nents offers the oppor­tu­nity for fan­tas­tic com­bi­na­tions of tours. For exam­ple what could be more excit­ing than com­bin­ing Cyprus and the Holy Land for a reli­gious group, or an archae­o­log­i­cal expe­ri­ence com­bin­ing mys­tics of Egypt, Jor­dan and Cyprus? Last but not least, a his­toric jour­ney back to the Hel­lenis­tic years with a com­bi­na­tion of the archae­o­log­i­cal sites of Cyprus and Greece. Con­tacts in Greece, Egypt, Jor­dan and Israel can be rec­om­mended upon request.

We will be look­ing for­ward to the oppor­tu­nity of cre­at­ing unfor­get­table mem­o­ries for your groups.

Please con­tact us with your requests for tailor-​made quo­ta­tion: This email address is being pro­tected from spam­bots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.