About us

Man­to­vani Plotin Travel Ltd was set up back in 1996 as a result of the part­ner­ship of Man­to­vani Travel Plan and Plotin Sun­quest Travel. The part­ners hav­ing both had a long his­tory in tourism estab­lished a rep­u­ta­tion of trust, reli­a­bil­ity, integrity and value.

Sev­eral years later, the main objec­tives of the ven­ture have been achieved. Man­to­vani Plotin Travel is a finan­cially solid organ­i­sa­tion and has become a major player within the tourist indus­try of the island of Cyprus.

Nowa­days a thor­oughly mod­ern organ­i­sa­tion in con­stant line with advanced tech­nol­ogy, Man­to­vani Plotin Travel is still proud of its tra­di­tional roots and its ded­i­cated staff.